Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

SFDR in general

On 8 March 2018, the European Commission published the ‘Action Plan on financing sustainable growth’. The Action Plan introduced a standardised EU classification system (taxonomy) that clarifies when an economic activity can be considered 'environmentally sustainable'.

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a component of this action plan and outlines how financial firms offering investment products should provide information to investors.

As DMFCO is an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), it is required to disclose the extent to which its investment products can be classified as promoting sustainability.


Article 8(+)

DMFCO invests the majority of its portfolio in residential mortgages. Most of the funds managed by DMFCO promote environmental or social characteristics and part of the investments are sustainable. To meet the requirements of SFDR 8+, a minimum sustainable investment target of 15% is required. Therefore, DMFCO has classified a number of residential mortgage funds as Article 8+ ('light green') under the SFDR. If the minimum sustainable investment target is not met, the fund is classified as Article 8 under the SFDR.

The environmental and social characteristics related to investments in residential mortgages are defined in DMFCO's Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Responsible Investment Policy (‘CSRI Policy’) and encompass aspects such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, affordable housing and decent living standards.

Furthermore,  DMFCO periodically reports on the sustainability measures taken during the most recent reference period and their impact on preventing and mitigating significant adverse sustainability impacts.



DMFCO aims to have a direct and sustainable impact on society. This commitment involves detailed reporting on environmental and social objectives, as well as offering a fair and transparent product.

On this page, we included our PAI (Principle Adverse Impacts) statement, transparency documents, pre-contractual disclosures for our funds, and internal policies regarding remuneration, and Corporate Social Responsibility, and Investment (CSRI).

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